Veranstaltungen Session B.1: The future of cooperation on methodologies for official statistics

Und darum geht es:

Official statistics is undergoing a rapid transformation, which entails harnessing modern technologies and innovative data sources to better respond to users needs. Against this background, ensuring adequate investment in the required capabilities to promote the sustainable transition into the future is critical for the ESS, with a view to responding to the challenge of remaining the trustworthy source of information for different stakeholders.

In order to develop new statistical capabilities and to strengthen existing ones investments are needed on methods and technologies; skills and competencies, processes and standards, and the design of the statistical production platform. This would also facilitate the take up of new strategic roles of statistical offices in the fast-changing data ecosystem.While at national level and at European level several efforts are underway to build the capacities to benefit from the digital revolution and to accelerate the deployment of innovation, the recently approved ESS innovation agenda calls for strong collaboration and co-creation in the ESS to advance the modernisation of official statistics in Europe.

The purpose of the session is to discuss which are the future directions of collaboration and co-creation in the ESS to support innovation in official statistics, with a particular focus on:

  • managing skills and knowledge to deliver innovation;
  • developing a modern statistical production platform;
  • designing and implementing innovative ESS co-creation models.

The panel session will be chaired by Emanuele Baldacci (Eurostat) and will include Joost Huurman (CBS, Statistics Netherlands), Orietta Luzi (ISTAT, Italian National Institute of Statistics) and Christian Thindberg (SSB, Statistics Norway).

Zu den Personen:

Dr. Emanuele Baldacci


Emanuele Baldacci is currently the Director of Resources at Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. From March 2018 to January 2021, he was the Director of Digital Services at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Informatics. From May 2015 to February 2018, he was the Director of Methodology, IT and Corporate Statistical Services at Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. From October 2011 to April 2015, he was the Head of the Integration, Quality and Research Department of the Italian Statistical Office. Before that, he was a deputy division chief at the International Monetary Fund, a senior economist at the World Bank and served as chief economist at SACE, Italy's largest trade finance group. He has a PhD in Demography from the Universities of Rome, Florence and Padua; he is the author of several scientific publications on fiscal sustainability, macroeconomic risk in advanced and emerging economies, population ageing and social protection and official statistics modernisation.

Joost Huurman
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)

Joost Huurman is Director Research & Development and Chief Methodologist at Statistics Netherlands. Joost holds a Master’s degree in Physics from the University of Leiden obtained in 2002. Joost started working at CBS directly after obtaining his Master’s degree. Prior to his current position, he was project manager, unit head and program manager among other positions within various SN departments.

Orietta Luzi
Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT)

Orietta Luzi is Director of Methodology and Design of Statistical Processes Directorate at the Italian National Statistical Institute (ISTAT). During her 30 years career at ISTAT, she has gained long research and innovation experience in many different areas of methodologies for Official Statistics, in particular in the fields of data quality, use of administrative data and design of multisource processes. She coordinates some Istat high-level Committees in research and quality areas, and is member of relevant National and international Groups.

Christian Thindberg
Statistics Norway (SSB)

Christian Thindberg has held various IT-leadership positions within the public and private sector including the Norwegian Labour and Welfare directorate, public transportation, airline and banking. Director IT at Statistics Norway since 2018. He has a Cand. Mag. Degree in informatics from the University of Oslo and two Masters degrees within strategy and leadership from BI Norwegian Business School.