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Microcensus 2024
In the period from January to December 2024, a total of roughly 380,000 households and collective living quarters will be selected using random sampling and the residents surveyed. This is equivalent to approximately 1% of Germany's population. The results of the microcensus provide the general public, policy-makers and the scientific community with a wide range of information on life in Germany. They serve as an important basis for policy decisions that affect the lives of many people.
"EXDAT – Experimental data" is now called "EXSTAT – Experimental statistics": up to now, new, innovative project results with novel data sources have been published in the EXDAT section. The decision to rename the section "EXSTAT" is primarily to ensure consistency within Europe. Several national statistical institutes and Eurostat refer to "experimental statistics". Furthermore, the term EXSTAT has a much broader scope and encompasses both innovative methods and new kinds of data sources.
Wirtschaft und Statistik journal
Can satellite data be useful for crop production statistics when combined with integrated meteorological information, soil science data and machine learning? The Land Statistical Office of Hessen explored this question in its FernEE 2.0 project, which is described in an article in the new issue of our scientific WISTA journal. After test runs in seven German Länder in 2022 and 2023, the largely automated procedure will be rolled out nationwide in the next project phase from 2024 onwards.