Press release No. 212 of 6 June 2019
WIESBADEN – 66.6% of the new residential buildings completed in 2018 are heated by energy from renewable sources. Renewable energies were the primary, that is, the mainly used energy source in almost half (47.2%) of the total of 107,200 new residential buildings. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that renewable energies for the first time displaced gas from the top of the list of primary sources of heating energy. In 2018, gas was used as the primary energy source in only 43.0% of new residential buildings. In 2017, gas had still accounted for 47.4%, followed by renewable energies at 43.3%. The remaining energy sources (for instance district heating, oil and electricity) together accounted for 9.8% in 2018 (2017: 9.3%).