Press Public expenditure on culture in 2017: 11.4 billion euros for theatres, music, museums etc.

138 euros per capita of public expenditure on culture – 0.35% of gross domestic product

Press release No. 490 of 9 December 2020

WIESBADEN – The Federation, Länder and municipalities spent a total of 11.4 billion euros on culture in 2017. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that this was an increase of 6.3% (0.7 billion euros) on 2016. Public expenditure on culture rose by 22.3% from 2010 to 2017. The Federation, Länder and municipalities spent a total of 138 euros per capita on culture in 2017. Public expenditure on culture thus had a proportion of 0.35% of the gross domestic product.

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