Press Crafts sector: turnover up 7.4% in the 2nd quarter of 2022

Decrease in employment continuing despite nominal increase in turnover

Press release No. 380 of 9 September 2022

Turnover in crafts with compulsory approval, 2nd quarter of 2022
+7.4% on the same quarter of the previous year

Persons employed in crafts with compulsory approval, end of June 2022
-0.9% on the same time a year earlier

WIESBADEN – In the second quarter of 2022, turnover in crafts with compulsory approval in Germany increased by a nominal (not price adjusted) 7.4% compared with the second quarter of 2021. The positive trend of the first quarter of 2022 (+16.0% on the same quarter of the previous year) thus continued. This increase should however also be considered in the context of the strong price increases of the last few months. Large increases in the prices of products such as energy, metals and cereal flours at the upstream stages in the economic process had an upward effect on consumer prices and thus the nominal turnover of craft enterprises. Based on provisional figures, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that the number of persons employed in crafts with compulsory approval was down by 0.9% at the end of June 2022 compared with the end of June 2021. The number of persons employed in crafts with compulsory approval has thus declined continuously on the same time a year earlier since the end of the first quarter of 2020.


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