Press One in ten households have smart energy management systems

Press release No. 455 of 27 October 2022

  • 3.7 million households use energy management systems that can be controlled online
  • Smart TVs are the most widespread “intelligent” devices: more than one in two households have them, and one in six households have smart speakers
  • Higher income households have smart devices more frequently

WIESBADEN – In view of high energy prices and energy shortage, many households are trying to reduce their energy consumption. Smart energy management systems that are connected to the internet and can be controlled online may help to save energy. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that about one in ten (10%) households in Germany (3.7 million households) had smart energy management systems such as intelligent thermostats, electricity meters and lighting at the beginning of 2022. Such systems help to save energy. For example, the heating system is automatically switched off when a window is opened or heating is reduced when everyone has left the dwelling. Smart lighting can easily be controlled through an app and voice control according to individual needs.


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