Press 2.6 million people did not have a sufficiently heated home in 2021, due to a lack of money

Press release No. N 063 of 21 October 2022

  • 3.2% of Germany's population were affected
  • This proportion was clearly below the EU average of 6.9%

WIESBADEN – Now that the cold season is coming, the continuing high energy prices dramatically increase the costs of heating. But even before the energy crisis started as a result of the war in Ukraine, not everyone was able to afford sufficient heating. According to their own assessment, 3.2% of the population in Germany lived in households in 2021 which did not have the financial means to heat their homes adequately. Based on results of the survey of income and living conditions (EU-SILC), the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that about 2.6 million people were affected.

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