Press 10.5% of Germany's population lived in overcrowded dwellings in 2021

Press release No. N 067 of 17 November 2022

  • Lone parents and their children were most affected (28.4%)
  • Overcrowding rate in cities (15.5%) more than three times that in rural areas (4.9%)
  • The proportion of people living in overcrowded housing circumstances among minors was roughly six times that among older people aged 65 or over

WIESBADEN – 400,000 new dwellings, including 100,000 social dwellings, will be constructed every year to counteract the lack of affordable dwellings, according to Federal Government plans. Roughly 8.6% million people in Germany lived in overcrowded dwellings in 2021. That is 10.5% of the population, as reported by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) on the basis of first results of the survey of income and living conditions (EU-SILC) 2021. A dwelling is regarded as overcrowded if the number of rooms is too small for the number of people living there.

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