Press Parental allowance 2022: proportion of fathers continued to increase to 26.1%

On average, women still receive parental allowance for a much longer period (14.6 months) than men (3.6 months)

Press release No. 123 of 29 March 2023

WIESBADEN – Just under 1.4 million women and 482,000 men in Germany received parental allowance in 2022. This was a total of well over 1.8 million recipients, and a decrease of roughly 22,700, or 1.2%, compared with 2021. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that the number of men who received parental allowance was up by 10,000 (+2.1%) on a year earlier. The number of women receiving parental allowance fell by 32,800 (-2.3%). As a result, the proportion of men receiving parental allowance (proportion of fathers) rose to 26.1% in 2022 (2021: 25.3%). This means that the proportion of fathers continued to increase. In 2015, it stood at 20.9%.

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Public children and youth welfare, federal parental allowance

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