Press Germany exported 16.3 million tonnes of waste and scrap in 2023 and imported 13.4 million tonnes

Press release No. 106 of 18 March 2024

  • In terms of quantity, 91.6% of exports went to European countries in 2023, and 97.8% of imports came from European countries
  • 7.6% of waste exports went to Asia, just 0.8% of waste imports came from Asia
  • Exports and imports of waste and scrap mainly consisted of base metals


WIESBADEN – According to provisional results, Germany exported 16.3 million tonnes of waste and scrap to the value of 11.4 billion euros in 2023. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that 13.4 million tonnes of waste and scrap, totalling 14.6 billion euros, were imported to Germany in the same period. Compared with 2022, exports of waste and scrap therefore declined by 2.8% in terms of quantity in 2023 and by 18.0% in terms of value. Imports of waste and scrap also decreased year on year, by 15.3% in terms of quantity and by 22.2% in terms of value. The exports and imports of waste and scrap mainly consisted of base metals such as iron and steel, which accounted for 55.7% of all waste exports and for 34.0% of imports in terms of quantity.

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