Press Mortality figures in June 2024 around the median of the previous years

Press release No. 264 of 9 July 2024

WIESBADEN – 77,812 people died in Germany in June 2024, according to extrapolated figures of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). This corresponds roughly to the 2020 to 2023 median for that month (+1%). In the first half of the month, mortality figures were slightly below the median values of the previous years (-1% and -2% in Weeks 23 and 24, from 3 to 16 June). In the second half of the month, figures exceeded the corresponding comparative values (+5% and +12% in Weeks 25 and 26, from 17 to 30 June). This coincided with high temperatures (only in German) being recorded in some Länder. An increase in mortality figures in connection with exposure to heat is a well-known effect that has been frequently observed in summer months in the past (only in German).


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