Small and medium-sized enterprises SMEs generated 77% of turnover in the economic sector of construction, accomodation and food services

Large enterprises have by far the largest turnover. In the reference year 2022, the turnover of SMEs amounted to 26% of the total turnover in the economic sectors studied. With 42% for gross value added, 44% for gross investment in tangible goods and 38% for personnel costs, the relevant proportions of SMEs were smaller than those of large enterprises, too.


The economic importance of SMEs varies between the individual economic sectors. SMEs are of particular importance in construction and in the hotel and restaurant industry. In the reference year 2022, they generated 77% of turnover and their share in the persons employed was about 87%. In real estate activities and in some branches of services (e.g.Education), SMEs are predominant, too. Contrary, the turnover of large enterprises in the total of enterprises is significant in manufacturing, in mining and quarrying, energy- and water supply, in trade, in transport and storage, in information and communication, in human health and social work activities and in financial and insurance activities. The economic sector with the smallest proportion of small and medium-sized enterprises is that of energy supply, where SMEs accounted 3% of turnover in the reference year.