Services Services in 2020: information technology sector employed 903,000 people

In 2020, roughly 901,000 people worked in the 95,100 businesses in Germany whose main activity was in the field of information technology. The number of people working in that branch rose by approximately 42,000 (+0.3%) year-on-year, while the number of legal units decreased by 2,500 (-2.7%).

The people working in the field of information technology accounted for 65.0% of all those employed in information and communication, which includes telecommunications, publishing activities, services related to motion picture, music and broadcasting, and information service activities (such as data processing services). With total turnover amounting to approximately 165.0 billion euros (52.6%), the information technology branch also recorded the highest turnover in the sphere of information and communication.

Personnel costs in the field of information technology totalled about 58.0 billion euros in 2020. Material costs amounted to roughly 87.6 billion euros. Expenditure as a proportion of total turnover was 88.4%. Gross fixed capital formation of businesses whose main activity focused on information technology amounted to just under 6,8 billion euros. This means that about four euros were invested per 100 euros of total turnover.

For more data of the structural survey in the service sector please refer to the following tables.