Press releases

22 March 2024 Prices of residential property in the 4th quarter of 2023: -7.1% on the same quarter of the previous year


22 September 2023 Prices of residential property in the 3rd quarter of 2023: -10.2% on the same quarter of the previous year


22 September 2023 Prices of residential property in the 2nd quarter of 2023: -9.9% on the same quarter of the previous year


23 June 2023 Prices of residential property in the 1st quarter of 2023: -6.8% year on year


6 April 2023 Construction prices of residential buildings, February 2023: +15.1% on February 2022




More data are available from the GENESIS-Online database on the themes:

Price indices for the construction industry
Residential property price indices
Purchase values of building land
Purchase values of agricultural properties

The database content will continuously be extended, and links will be provided here.



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Price indices for single-family and two-family houses

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Price indices for freehold dwellings

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Price index for owner-occupied housing and the house price index

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Price indices for owner-occupied housing, rates of change

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Construction price indices for residential buildings and road construction (2021 = 100)

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Construction price indices for residential buildings and road construction (2021 = 100)

Quality Reports

Statistics of purchasing values of building land

Statistics of purchasing values of building land

Quality Report - Purchasing values of agricultural land

Purchasing values of agricultural land

Price indices for the construction industryPrices of construction operations

Price indices for the construction industry

Prices of construction operations