Development cooperation Public and private flows for development cooperation

In 2022, Official Official Development Assistance (ODA) and other official and private flows from the Federal Republic of Germany to developing countries amounted to 52.7 billion euros - before revision (previous year: 58.5 billion euros - after revision of the Deutsche Bundesbank).

In line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in 2015 Germany committed to increasing its ODA ratio to 0.70% by 2030. In reference year 2022, Germany exceeded this target for the third time in a row, with the ODA ratio reaching 0.85% (previous year: 0.76%).

The grant equivalent system has been the standard for measuring ODA since 2018. While grants to developing countries are fully counted, only the grant element of loans (the “grant equivalent”) is now recorded as ODA.

In absolute terms, ODA flows amounted to 33.9 billion euros in reference year 2022 (previous year: 28.1 billion euros), with bilateral development assistance accounting for 26.9 billion euros and multilateral development assistance for 7.0 billion euros.

The largest share of total ODA (13.7 billion euros, or 40.5%) came from the budget of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. The Federal Foreign Office provided 4.9 billion euros (14.5%). The Länder funded a total of 1.84 billion euros (5.4%) of ODA in 2022, of which 1.78 billion euros went towards tuition costs for students from developing countries.

In 2022, ODA-eligible in-donor costs for refugees from developing countries amounted to 4.6 billion euros, which equates to a share of 13.5% of total ODA.

Within the scope of private development assistance, non-governmental organisations in Germany (for example Brot für die Welt (EWDE e. V. ), Ärzte ohne Grenzen e. V. ) spent 1.7 billion euros in 2022, financed by own resources and donations.

Total private direct investments in developing countries amounted to 21.7 billion euros (before revision). The amounts and percentages indicated above are rounded values. Further information and tables are available on the website of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.