Press releases

4 July 2022 Labour costs in 2020: still considerable regional differences


9 June 2022 Labour costs in the 1st quarter of 2022 up 2.4% on the previous quarter


5 May 2022 One hour worked cost an average of 37.30 euros in 2021


11 March 2022 Labour costs in the 4th quarter of 2021 up 1.5% on the previous quarter


9 December 2021 Labour costs in the 3rd quarter of 2021 up 0.5% on the previous quarter




More data are available from the GENESIS-Online database on the themes:

Labour cost index
Labour cost survey
Annual estimate of labour costs

The database content will continuously be extended, and links will be provided here.


Statistics visualised

Change in relative competitiveness between 2019 and 2021Comparing the competitive positions of European countries

Labour costs per hour worked are an important indicator for assessing the international competitiveness of economies. The interactive chart shows the percentage changes in relative competitiveness across Europe between 2019 and 2021.


© Statistisches Bundesamt (Destatis) 2022


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Labour costs comparison across EU countries per hour worked

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Labour costs per hour worked in the non-financial business economy

Quality Reports

Quality Report - Labour Cost Index

Quality Report - Annual Labour Cost Levels

Quality Report - Labour Cost Survey