Employment Structures of the German labour market in the light of the COVID-19-pandemic

The measures introduced in Germany to push back the COVID-19-pandemic have also lead to a significant reduction of economic activities and consequently have effects on the labour market. For persons in employment this can mean reduced working times, slack work (“Kurzarbeit”), or even the loss of employment. On the other side, persons working in so called “essential jobs” might even experience substantially more working hours and a higher work strain.

It is apparent that different parts of the economy and employment are affected in different ways. The following tables present structures of the German labour market before the occurrence of COVID-19 and allow a differentiated assessment of possible diverse effects on employment. A comparable assessment of the actual effects will be possible once enough data on the current situation is available.

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) assessed the impact of the crisis due to COVID-19 from a global perspective and classified economic sectors by the extent to which they are impacted. This and more can be found in the report "COVID-19 and the world of work. Third edition" on the statistics internet site of ILO (ILOSTAT).

Employed persons by sex and educational attainment

Employed persons by sex and educational attainment1 in 1,000
Sections of economic activity, (NACE Rev. 2)Total2SexEducational attainment
1: Highest educational qualification acquired according to ISCED 2011: ISCED levels 1 and 2 = low, 3 and 4 = medium, 5 to 8 = high.
2: Includes cases with "no information on educational attainment".
Source: Results of microcensus 2019.
Agriculture, forestry and fishing (A)51034616566314130
Mining and quarrying; manufacturing (B, C)8,0785,8882,1901,0434,7862,240
Electricity, gas, steam and air con­di­tio­ning supply; water supply; sewerage, waste ma­na­ge­ment and re­me­dia­tion acti­vi­ties (D, E)58444214254338191
Construction (F)2,8572,4374214501,768637
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motor­cycles (G)5,7782,9292,8498863,8781,008
Transportation and storage (H)2,1411,6145274101,417309
Accommodation and food service activities (I)1,585720865486911183
Information and communication (J)1,36993143876578713
Financial and insurance activities (K)1,24860764144763441
Real estate activities (L)2131131011512870
Professional, scientific and tech­ni­cal ac­ti­vi­ties (M)2,4691,2491,219899851,392
Administrative and support service activities (N)2,1431,0911,0534941,256389
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security; extraterritorial organisations and bodies (O, U)2,9241,4321,4921541,6081,160
Education (P)2,8818122,0691238021,953
Human health and social work ac­ti­vi­ties (Q)5,6111,2974,3146373,5831,385
Arts, entertainment and recreation (R)59030028977293219
Other service activities (S)1,182386796139654387
Households (T)215152005813423

As at July 22, 2020

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Self-employed with employees by number of persons working at local unit

Self-employed with employees by number of persons working at local unit1 in 1,000
Sections of economic activity, (NACE Revision 2)TotalSelf-employed without employeesSelf-employed with employees
Total12 to 1011 to 1920 to 4950 and more
1: Includes self-employed with "no information on size of local unit".
/ = No data because the numerical value is not sufficiently reliable.
- = No figures or magnitude zero.
X = Table compartment locked because statement does not make sense.
Source: Results of microcensus 2019.
Agriculture, forestry and fishing (A)178997872///
Mining and quarrying; manufacturing (B, C)27811616298241819
Electricity, gas, steam and air con­di­tio­ning supply; water supply; sewerage, waste ma­na­ge­ment and re­me­dia­tion acti­vi­ties (D, E)1477////
Construction (F)46721125619035157
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motor­cycles (G)495210284208372010
Transportation and storage (H)9436583598/
Accommodation and food service activities (I)19445149120176/
Information and communication (J)16812444285//
Financial and insurance activities (K)125715445///
Real estate activities (L)50331715//-
Professional, scientific and tech­ni­cal ac­ti­vi­ties (M)57935622315732199
Administrative and support service activities (N)240126114861185
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security; extraterritorial organisations and bodies (O, U)X X X X X X X
Education (P)2001732718///
Human health and social work ac­ti­vi­ties (Q)4322092231623415/
Arts, entertainment and recreation (R)1791552418///
Other service activities (S)25016783725//
Households (T)1413//- - -

As at July 22, 2020

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Employees who work from home

Employees1 who work from home2
in 1,000
Sections of economic activity, (NACE Rev. 2)TotalWorking from home
on every working dayon at least half of working dayson less than half of working days
1: Without apprentices
2: During the four weeks ending with the reference week.
/ = No data because the numerical value is not sufficiently reliable.
- = No figures or magnitude zero.
Source: Results of microcensus 2019.
Agriculture, forestry and fishing (A)26515/6
Mining and quarrying; manufacturing (B, C)7,4778167475
Electricity, gas, steam and air con­di­tio­ning supply; water supply; sewerage, waste ma­na­ge­ment and re­me­dia­tion acti­vi­ties (D, E)5505644
Construction (F)2,238261366
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motor­cycles (G)5,0105341196
Transportation and storage (H)1,994161169
Accommodation and food service activities (I)1,33113/18
Information and communication (J)1,1584255264
Financial and insurance activities (K)1,0841824148
Real estate activities (L)156//13
Professional, scientific and tech­ni­cal ac­ti­vi­ties (M)1,8104549262
Administrative and support service activities (N)1,857311778
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security; extraterritorial organisations and bodies (O, U)2,8551837157
Education (P)2,612233183386
Human health and social work ac­ti­vi­ties (Q)4,8993827138
Arts, entertainment and recreation (R)3906619
Other service activities (S)891221863
Households (T)1998//
Agriculture, forestry and fishing (A)1718//
Mining and quarrying; manufacturing (B, C)5,4205348347
Electricity, gas, steam and air con­di­tio­ning supply; water supply; sewerage, waste ma­na­ge­ment and re­me­dia­tion acti­vi­ties (D, E)416//32
Construction (F)1,8637849
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motor­cycles (G)2,4042927128
Transportation and storage (H)1,4929646
Accommodation and food service activities (I)5666/9
Information and communication (J)7672441192
Financial and insurance activities (K)48291393
Real estate activities (L)75//7
Professional, scientific and tech­ni­cal ac­ti­vi­ties (M)8271725153
Administrative and support service activities (N)89113943
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security; extraterritorial organisations and bodies (O, U)1,40191377
Education (P)7067659141
Human health and social work ac­ti­vi­ties (Q)1,07010950
Arts, entertainment and recreation (R)181//10
Other service activities (S)297121131
Households (T)13/- /
Agriculture, forestry and fishing (A)948//
Mining and quarrying; manufacturing (B, C)2,0582818128
Electricity, gas, steam and air con­di­tio­ning supply; water supply; sewerage, waste ma­na­ge­ment and re­me­dia­tion acti­vi­ties (D, E)134//12
Construction (F)37519516
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motor­cycles (G)2,606251468
Transportation and storage (H)5026/23
Accommodation and food service activities (I)7658/9
Information and communication (J)391181473
Financial and insurance activities (K)60291155
Real estate activities (L)81//5
Professional, scientific and tech­ni­cal ac­ti­vi­ties (M)9822724109
Administrative and support service activities (N)96619935
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security; extraterritorial organisations and bodies (O, U)1,45492480
Education (P)1,906157124245
Human health and social work ac­ti­vi­ties (Q)3,829281888
Arts, entertainment and recreation (R)209//9
Other service activities (S)5949832
Households (T)1866//

As at July 22, 2020

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