Employment Methodological aspects of the microcensus 2016 – Labour market

Since the reference year 2016, the microcensus sample has had a new basis. For the first time, the sample is now based on the data of the 2011 Census. Due to this changeover, the comparability of the results of the microcensus 2016 with those of previous years is limited.

Another factor influencing the results of this reference year is connected with the unusually high immigration especially of people seeking refuge. A large majority of the reception centres were no residential buildings. Consequently, the people living there were not questioned for the microcensus. When interpreting the results on the population without German citizenship, it should therefore be taken into account that those data are based on information provided by foreigners living in private households.

The effects on the results relating to the labour market are reflected by a marked increase in the number of persons in employment compared with the previous years. One reason for this is that the updated microcensus sample ensures an improved collection of data on people in new buildings, who generally have high labour force participation rates. In addition, there is undercoverage of newly immigrated foreigners, who are less likely to be in employment than foreigners who have already lived in Germany for some time. This undercoverage presumably results in overestimation of the total of foreigners in employment when the sample data are grossed up to the total population.

As at 12 July 2017.