Consumption expenditure Household expenditure on fruit and vegetables for the first time higher than expenditure on meat and fish

Households in Germany spent an average of 321 euros per month on food, beverages and tobacco in 2018. On average, 62 euros were spent on fruit, vegetables and potatoes. This amount accounted for 19% of the total expen­diture on food, beverages and tobacco. House­holds spent on average 59 euros on meat and fish, which was 18% of the total expen­diture. So household expendi­ture on fruit and vegetables was for the first time higher than expen­diture on meat and fish. The last survey of this kind in 2013 had shown that 17% of the total expen­diture on food products were spent on fruit and vegetables, while 19% were spent on meat and fish.
Regarding other expen­diture in the area of food, beverages and tobacco, the situation in 2018 was similar to that in 2013. Bread and cereals (2013: 14%), dairy products and eggs (2013: 12%), and sugar, jam, honey and other confec­tionery, edible fats and food not else­where classified (2013: 12%) accounted for 13% each of the expenditure. Households spent 10% (2013: 11%) on non-alcoholic beverages and 9% (2013: 9%) on alcoholic beverages. Expenditure on tobacco products amounted to 5% (2013: 6%).
The results were derived from the sample survey of income and expen­diture which takes place every five years.
These figures and other results are available in the tables on Expenditure of households on food, beverages and tobacco.