Pursuant to Section 4 of the Population Statistics Act, the following variables are continuously covered for migration
- day of moving into the new dwelling or moving out of the old dwelling
- housing status (main or second residence)
- old and new municipality of residence
- for migration moves across the German border: country of origin or destination
- sex, age, marital status
- legal affiliation or non-affiliation to a religious community under public law
- citizenship
- place and country of birth (from August 2008)
- for arrivals from abroad: day of preceding departure from Germany to another country (from August 2008)
- for departures to another country: day of preceding arrival from abroad in Germany (from 2014)
- the fact of ex officio registration or deregistration.
day of moving in or out or of changing housing status, old and new place of residence (municipality if the place of residence is in the domestic territory, country if the place of residence is abroad), housing status (main or sole residence), sex, age, marital status, citizenship, place and country of birth, legal affiliation with a religious society under public law, day of preceding departure to abroad (in case of arrival from abroad), day of preceding arrival from abroad (in case of departure to abroad), the fact of ex officio registration or deregistration.
Pursuant to Section 4 of the Population Statistics Act, the following variables are continuously covered for migration
- day of moving into the new dwelling or moving out of the old dwelling
- housing status (main or second residence)
- old and new municipality of residence
- for migration moves across the German border: country of origin or destination
- sex, age, marital status
- legal affiliation or non-affiliation to a religious community under public law
- citizenship
- place and country of birth (from August 2008)
- for arrivals from abroad: day of preceding departure from Germany to another country (from August 2008)
- for departures to another country: day of preceding arrival from abroad in Germany (from 2014)
- the fact of ex officio registration or deregistration.
day of moving in or out or of changing housing status, old and new place of residence (municipality if the place of residence is in the domestic territory, country if the place of residence is abroad), housing status (main or sole residence), sex, age, marital status, citizenship, place and country of birth, legal affiliation with a religious society under public law, day of preceding departure to abroad (in case of arrival from abroad), day of preceding arrival from abroad (in case of departure to abroad), the fact of ex officio registration or deregistration.