Migration flows

Topics Population

1.9 mn arrivals

1.3 mn departures

0.7 mn net migration

Press releases

19 January 2023 Population increased to 84.3 million in 2022


2 December 2022 4 million more people aged 67 or over will live in Germany in 2035


29 November 2022 Forced migration has contributed to population growth in Germany since the end of 2014


10 October 2022 952,000 arrivals from Ukraine from February to August 2022


28 June 2022 Migration in 2021: immigration exceeding emigration by 329,000 people


Current news



More data on migration are available from the GENESIS-Online database.

The database content will continuously be extended, and links will be provided here.



1 / 6

Overview of external and internal migration

2 / 6

Net migration between Germany and the other EU countries

3 / 6

Migration by the 10 most frequent citizenships of immigrants, 2022

4 / 6

Net migration, 2022

5 / 6

Departures of Germans to other countries

6 / 6

Migration between the former territory of the Federal Republic and the new Länder, by year

Frequently asked questions

Where can I find data on immigration or emigration by country?

Data on migration across Germany’s borders by country of origin/destination can be found in Table 3.2 of Fachserie 1 Reihe 1.2. Time series can be retrieved through the GENESIS-Online database, from the migration statistics tables (12711-0005).

Where can I find data on immigration and emigration of foreigners?

The Federal Statistical Office publishes data on immigration and emigration of foreigners that come from two different data sources. First, migration statistics provide data on arrivals and departures of foreigners. Second, the Central Register of Foreigners (AZR) allows to derive information on register entries and exits by comparing the current stock to that of the previous year (balance of changes). The results from AZR evaluations and migration statistics differ from each other due to differences in statistical units, reporting channels and methodological approaches.


The documentation of the methods is important to us


Quality Reports

Migration (internal migration, external migration, total migration) - 2022

Pursuant to Section 4 of the Population Statistics Act, the following variables are continuously covered for migration
- day of moving into the new dwelling or moving out of the old dwelling
- housing status (main or second residence)
- old and new municipality of residence
- for migration moves across the German border: country of origin or destination
- sex, age, marital status
- legal affiliation or non-affiliation to a religious community under public law
- citizenship
- place and country of birth (from August 2008)
- for arrivals from abroad: day of preceding departure from Germany to another country (from August 2008)
- for departures to another country: day of preceding arrival from abroad in Germany (from 2014)
- the fact of ex officio registration or deregistration.

Migration (internal migration, external migration, total migration) - 2022 (Summary)

day of moving in or out or of changing housing status, old and new place of residence (municipality if the place of residence is in the domestic territory, country if the place of residence is abroad), housing status (main or sole residence), sex, age, marital status, citizenship, place and country of birth, legal affiliation with a religious society under public law, day of preceding departure to abroad (in case of arrival from abroad), day of preceding arrival from abroad (in case of departure to abroad), the fact of ex officio registration or deregistration.

Migration (internal migration, external migration, total migration) - 2021

Pursuant to Section 4 of the Population Statistics Act, the following variables are continuously covered for migration
- day of moving into the new dwelling or moving out of the old dwelling
- housing status (main or second residence)
- old and new municipality of residence
- for migration moves across the German border: country of origin or destination
- sex, age, marital status
- legal affiliation or non-affiliation to a religious community under public law
- citizenship
- place and country of birth (from August 2008)
- for arrivals from abroad: day of preceding departure from Germany to another country (from August 2008)
- for departures to another country: day of preceding arrival from abroad in Germany (from 2014)
- the fact of ex officio registration or deregistration.

Migration (internal migration, external migration, total migration) - 2021 (Summary)

day of moving in or out or of changing housing status, old and new place of residence (municipality if the place of residence is in the domestic territory, country if the place of residence is abroad), housing status (main or sole residence), sex, age, marital status, citizenship, place and country of birth, legal affiliation with a religious society under public law, day of preceding departure to abroad (in case of arrival from abroad), day of preceding arrival from abroad (in case of departure to abroad), the fact of ex officio registration or deregistration.