German Presidency of the Council Working Party on Statistics Denmark

Statistical Office:
Statistics Denmark

COVID-19 dedicated website:

COVID-19 related project/initiative:
During the COVID-19 crisis, Statistics Denmark has accelerated its work with ‘experimental statistics’ and published it on Statistics Denmark’s website. The table in the annex below summarises the work. The range of experiments covers different types: Use of new data sources (incl. big data and commercial sources) and/or methods, use of existing statistical and administrative data sources in new ways, inclusion of COVID-19 related questions in existing surveys, earlier dissemination of preliminary results, and dissemination on Statistics Denmark's website of indicators produced by other public authorities and trusted private partners. Also, in relation to the current statistics production, we have emphasised exploiting relevant possibilities of relating the communication to the COVID-19 situation and its effects on society.

Annex: Overview of experimental statistics launched during the COVID-19 period

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