German Presidency of the Council Working Party on Statistics Hungary

Statistical Office:
Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO)

COVID-19 dedicated website:

  1. Results were published about retail turnover (in Hungarian)
  2. H-UNCOVER – Reprezentatív felmérés a koronavírus elleni küzdelemben – eredmények (in Hungarian)
  3. Koronavírus dosszié (only in Hungarian)

COVID-19 related project/initiative:

Estimating the effect of COVID-19 in time series with outlier treatment techniques

  • During the seasonal adjustment process outlier detection and treatment are implemented. If the measured outlier effect is removed from the time series, an "outlier treated" time series is calculated. This result could be presented as an estimation of what would have happened without the outlier.
  • Since the COVID-19 caused a very significant outlier effect for a lot of time series, the difference between the outlier treated and original time series is a kind of estimation for the effect of the COVID-19. This estimation can be calculated easily and fast for every time series where seasonal adjustment is done.

H-UNCOVER national survey

Weekly monitor

In addition to regularly published, monthly or quarterly business indicators, in the aftermath of the outbreak of the coronavirus, we deemed it crucial to be able to provide more frequent and more timely statistics on a number of statistical areas. Our Weekly Monitor helps assess the economic and social impacts of the epidemic through preliminary data updated daily, weekly or monthly as a collection of interactive diagrams.

  • Some of the data are based on completely new data sources unused by HCSO previously (e.g. data on suspension of entrepreneurial activity, or daily turnover of medicines in terms of boxes),
  • while some of them had their method of production accelerated and modified in order to be able to make results available on a weekly basis (e.g. vital statistics).
  • We provide specific breakdowns as a result of unchanged data collections, with a focus on the modified data needs of decision-makers and the public (e. g. imports of medical devices).

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