German Presidency of the Council Working Party on Statistics Lithuania

Statistical Office:
Lithuanian Department of Statistics (Statistics Lithuania)

COVID-19 dedicated website:

COVID-19 related project/initiative:
COVID-19 datasets

Through the Coronavirus pandemic Statistics Lithuania saw a lack of statistical data that could be used in the short term. Most of our datasets were monthly, quarterly and yearly. In a case as such that we have seen with the Coronavirus pandemic such datasets are not enough to implement new policy changes, rules and regulations that would have a positive effect for the possible socio-economic impact made by the Coronavirus. Statistics Lithuania has worked hard to implement changes in the gathering and measuring our data for the short term as well as taking closer look at the most vulnerable statistical themes. Statistics Lithuania present the COVID-19 datasets in which four main themes are spotlighted - Population and health, society and work, economy and agriculture, energy, transport and tourism. These datasets have indicators that are measured on a weekly basis, also administrative indicators that are not part of official statistics, but are crucial for giving us a broader look into the areas that were mostly affected by the virus.

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