German Presidency of the Council Working Party on Statistics The Netherlands

Statistical Office:
Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, CBS)

COVID-19 dedicated website:

COVID-19 related project/initiative:
The corona dossier contains all our corona related articles including icons and references

  • COVID-19 impact on labour and income
  • Social impact
  • Economic impact
  • Impact on public
  • Impact on public mobility
  • Personal impact

Innovation beta product: Corona sentiment indicator

The corona crisis and the measures taken to reduce the spread of the virus are having a huge impact on Dutch society. Therefore, it may be important to have an indication of the mood (sentiment) of the Dutch population regarding corona. How do people react to certain measures? For example, do they support the restrictions imposed? Because sentiment can change rapidly, this should preferably be measured on a daily basis. Statistics Netherlands has developed an experimental indicator that makes this possible.

Data used

Potentially suitable sources to measure the mood on corona on a daily basis in the Netherlands are the social media. After all, these sources are quickly available (real-time) and the words in the messages can be used to determine the subject and mood (the sentiment). However, there are also drawbacks. For example, not every Dutch person is active on social media and not every message that contains the words corona or COVID-19 will be about the sentiment against the corona virus. In this article we describe the development of an experimental corona sentiment indicator based on social media messages and the results found. More details on the development of the indicator can be found in Daas (2020).
In this study we used social media messages collected by the Dutch company Coosto (Coosto 2020). We specifically focus on all public messages on Twitter and Facebook, because it turned out that the majority of corona-related messages are posted on these platforms. On the other social media platforms, such as Pinterest and Instagram, far fewer such messages appeared.

In the dossiers pictures, figures and tables are shown. For instance: or the Corona sentiment indicator.

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