German Presidency of the Council Working Party on Statistics Off we go! – Germany takes over the EU Council Presidency

The 1st of July marks the start of the German Council Presidency. During this time, Destatis will chair the Council Working Party on Statistics (CWPS). On this website, we aim to keep you updated on the statistical legal acts discussed in the CWPS and on the main events and milestones during our Presidency.

"Together for Europe's recovery" - That is the motto and aspiration of the upcoming German Council Presidency. The logo, a Möbius strip, symbolises an innovative Europe united in solidarity. Statistics play an important part in contributing to this goal by providing relevant and timely information for decision-making. We will therefore make every effort to support the work of the CWPS and the cooperation in the European Statistical System as a whole.

The German Presidency Team on Statistics is looking forward to an exciting second half of 2020 with important topics to address, fruitful exchanges and inspiring cooperation.

In case you need any information, please visit this website or contact us: