German Presidency of the Council Working Party on Statistics Presidency and Trio Programme

Programme of the Presidency Trio

The incoming Presidency Trio, bringing together Germany, Portugal and Slovenia, will run from 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2021. Germany holds the Presidency in the second half of 2020, followed by Portugal (January–June 2021) and Slovenia (July–December 2021).

Based on a close cooperation and transparent communication with all our partners, the Presidency Trio will follow up on the work of the preceding presidencies, aiming at the provision of high-quality and relevant European statistics in accordance with Regulation (EC) 223/2009 on European statistics and guided by the European Statistics Code of Practice. High-quality, reliable and impartial data are crucial for informed decision-making, describing accurately the developments in society, the economy and the environment. The Presidency Trio will further promote the value of official statistics. In order to respond adequately to new user needs, shaped by the challenges of globalisation and digitalisation, the Presidency Trio will continue to foster the modernisation of the European Statistical System by strengthening its capacity to take advantage of new data sources and technologies, and to develop innovative methods and tools. While focusing on new demands, the core values of official statistics should not be compromised, ensuring secured, transparent and reliable data, and statistical confidentiality as a precondition for maintaining the trust of respondents.

Priorities of the German Presidency

The main themes of the German programme are set out in the Trio Presidency Programme. In this regard, the Germany Presidency will take the opportunity and draw the public attention to the relevance of official statistics for sustainable as well as quick decision-making. As the Corona crisis has proven, the established production, coordination and communication processes need adjustment to allow for a more efficient and flexible crisis response. For instance, taking full advantage of digitalisation is vital for the rapid provision of information needed at short notice. Against the background of recent developments, the German Presidency will promote a coordinated approach within the ESS that guarantees the provision of a reliable high-priority European statistics programme. The lessons learned will set the basis to be adequately prepared for future similar situations.

Communication is vital to achieve these objectives. A Summit on Strategic Communication of the Directors-General will provide the opportunity to find a way to promote the unique position of the European Statistical System as producers of decision-relevant statistics.

German Presidency Programme on Statistics (PDF, 119KB, File meets accessibility standards)