Europe Albania

Eurostat data: Albania in comparison
Capital- 2024TiranaBerlin-
Currency- 2024LekEuro-
Land areakm2202428,106353,2604,101,431
Economy and finance
Gross domestic product (GDP) at market pricesbn euros2023214,12217,034
Gross domestic product (GDP) at market pricesper inhabitant PPS2023- 43,37237,780
GDP growth rate%2023- -0.20.4
Inflation rate%20235.36.06.4
General government deficit/surplus% of GDP2023- -2.5-3.5
General government gross debt% of GDP2023- 63.681.7
Population1,0002024- 83,445449,207
Population projections1,0002100- 83,202416,074
Total fertility ratechildren per woman20221.211.461.46
Life expectancy at birth (female)years2023- - 84.2
Life expectancy at birth (male)years2023- - 78.9
Labour market
Employment rate (age 20 to 64)%2023- 81.175.3
Employment rate (age 55 to 64)%2023- 74.663.9
Unemployment rate (age 20 to 64)% of active population2023- 3.05.8
Unemployment rate (age 15 to 24)% of active population2023- 5.914.5
Pupils per teacher (secondary level)number2022- 12.011.2
Early leavers from education (aged 18-24)%2023- 12.89.5
Tertiary educational attainment, aged 30-34 (female)%2023- 42.349.4
Tertiary educational attainment, aged 30-34 (male)%2023- 39.838.5
Public expenditure for education% of GDP2021- 5.04.9
Public expenditure for R&D% of GDP2022- 3.12.2
Hospital bedsper 100,000 inhabitants2022- 766.3516.3
Deaths due to cancerper 100,000 inhabitants2021- 235.7235.3
Healthy life years, age 65 (female)expected years2022- 8.69.2
Healthy life years, age 65 (male)expected years2022- 8.28.9
Social issues, living conditions
People at risk of poverty or social exclusionpersons in mn2023- 17.994.6
At-risk-of-poverty rate% of population2023- 14.416.2
Overburding by housing cost% of population2023- 13.08.9
Inability to face unexpected financial expenses% of households2023- 35.031.2
Industry, trade and service
Industry% of GDP202312.424.420.3
Manufacturing: production index% change on previous year2023- -0.7-1.4
Retail trade: turnover (deflated)% change on previous year20235.1-3.1-2.0
Building permits% change on previous year202316.2-31.1-19.8
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries% of GDP202320.90.81.8
Area under organic farming% of UAA2022- 9.8-
Roundwood production1,000 2022- 78,872509,286
Foreign trade
Exportsmn euros2023- 1,589,266.82,554,484.0
Importsmn euros2023- 1,365,677.32,518,957.9
Foreign trade balancemn euros2023- 223,589.535,526.1
Air transport passengersmn2023- 185.3978.8
Passenger transport% passenger cars2021- 88.886.3
Passenger transport% trains2021- 6.56.0
Freight transport% railways2022- 19.817.1
Environment and energy
Greenhouse gas emissionstonnes of CO2 equivalent per capita2022- 9.37.8
Greenhouse gas emissionsIndex (1990=100)2022- 61.670.8
Energy dependency rate% in gross domestic consumption202231.568.662.5
Renewable energy% share in gross final energy consumption202219.920.823.0
Science and technology
Gross domestic expenditure on R&D% of GDP2022- 3.12.2
Share of women researchers% of total researchers2021- 29.433.7
Internet use% of persons (aged 16 to 74)202383.192.591.4
Broadband access% of households202190.988.890.2

. = Numerical value unknown of confidential.
- = No figures or magnitude zero.

Source: Eurostat

As at 25 July 2024


Country Profile Albania from international data sources

Statistical Office Albania

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