Service Data protection notes and data protection declaration

The Federal Statistical Office is committed to protecting your privacy and fully adheres to the data protection provisions. The trust placed in our organisation and in official statistics is of great importance to us.

With these notes we also fulfil our information obligations regarding the collection of personal data, which are laid down in Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We collect personal data every time our website is accessed.

We have made technical and organisational arrangements ensuring that the data protection provisions are adhered to by ourselves and by our external service providers. This page is operated by the central information technology provider of the federal administration, the Federal Information Technology Centre (Informationstechnikzentrum Bund, An der Küppe 2, 53225 Bonn).

When our web pages are modified, we may have to revise this data protection declaration. We therefore recommend that you read the declaration regularly.

Personal data

Personal data is information about yourself, such as your name, address, postal address or user behaviour, if the latter is not anonymised. This does not include information which cannot be related to you.

We collect your data, on the one hand, when you give them to us. In that case, the processing of your data is based on your consent. You may have entered such data in a contact form or confirmed that you accept a cookie.

Other data are collected automatically by our IT systems whenever you visit the website. Most of these are technical data such as your IP address (which is however anonymised immediately), internet browser, operating system or the time when the page is accessed. These data are collected automatically when you enter our website. This helps us to provide our data on the internet, which is one of the public tasks we have to carry out.

Access to our website

Every time a user accesses the website of the Federal Statistical Office and every time a file is downloaded, information about that operation is stored in anonymised form and processed.

The following data are stored for every access/download:

  • Name of the file downloaded
  • Date and time of download
  • Data volume transferred
  • Download successful or not
  • Referer
  • Equipment used
  • IP addresses, these are anonymised once they have been recorded
  • Anonymised IP address, anonymised DNS information and top level domains (TLD) of the accessing host system
  • These data are evaluated statistically and for the purpose of optimising the website, after which they are deleted. We do not create user profiles.

Use of cookies

The Federal Statistical Office uses cookies on its web pages. They are technically necessary for the full use of all the features of this website. Applying the cookies is based on Article 6 paragraph 1 point e of GDPR in conjunction with Section 3 of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) in conjunction with Section 3 of the E-Government Act (EGovG).

Most browsers are set to accept cookies automatically. However, you can deactivate the storage of cookies or set your browser to accept session cookies which are stored only during your web session.
If you use a browser extension which prevents our cookies from being stored, we will of course accept your decision. Then no cookies will be stored and your visit to this website will not be tracked. Please note that you may not be able in this case to make full use of all the features of this website.

Use of Matomo web analytics

This website uses the Matomo web analysis service to analyse and optimise the use of our website. The software runs only on web servers operated by the service provider "ITZ Bund" on behalf of the Federal Statistical Office.

The legal basis for processing using Matomo is your explicit consent as per Article 6 paragraph 1 point a of GDPR in conjunction with Section 25 (1) of the Telecommunications Telemedia Data Protection Act (TTDSG)

When individual pages of our websites are accessed, the following data are stored:

  • two bytes of the IP address of the system used to access the website,
  • the website accessed,
  • the website from which the user accessed our website (referrer),
  • the subpages accessed from the accessed website,
  • the length of time spent on the website,
  • how often the website is accessed.

This website uses Matomo with the extension "anonymizeIP". The software is set so that IP addresses are not stored completely, but two bytes of the IP address are masked (example: As a result, IP addresses are shortened before being processed. Assigning the shortened IP address to the accessing computer is thereby made more difficult. The logging files pseudonymised this way are deleted after 30 days.

Matomo's exclusive purpose is to optimise our website. The anonymised information about your use of this website is not used for person-based analysis or to create profiles and is not passed on to third parties. The analysis only helps to optimise our services.

Web analysis is deactivated in the default setting. You can decide here whether a unique web analysis cookie may be placed in your browser in order to enable the operator of the website to collect and analyse various statistical data. If you decide otherwise, even at a later time, please choose the relevant option to store the Matomo deactivation cookie in your browser.

Privacy settings

Here you can view your privacy settings and withdraw at any time your consent given earlier.

Social Media

The Federal Statistical Office uses the X (former Twitter) messaging service.

Its functions are offered by X Corp., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA. If you use X (former Twitter) and the re-tweet function, the websites you visit will be linked with your X (former Twitter) account and revealed to other users. Data will also be passed on to X (former Twitter). Please note that we, the provider of the website content, do not know the data which are passed on or how X (former Twitter) uses them. For more information on the subject please refer to the X (former Twitter) privacy policy.

You can change the X (former Twitter) privacy settings for your account at

To plan what information should be released and then post it in the social networks, not to miss any relevant posts and to interact with users, the Federal Statistical Office uses the product "social hub" of the provider maloon GmbH, Schütterlettenweg 4, 85053 Ingolstadt, Deutschland, tel: +49 (0)841 493 990-0, fax: +49 (0)841 493 990-10, e-mail:, web:

Enquiries and orders via our customer and user service

In addition to the information supplied on our website, we offer various services you may use. If you are interested, you will in most cases have to supply more personal data. These will be used to provide the respective service and are subject to the above data processing principles.

We will ask for your express consent to such usage at the appropriate place on the website and provide a data protection notice. The rights you have vis-a-vis the Federal Statistical Office with regard to the processing of your personal data (see section further down) also apply to all the services offered on our website.

Enquiries by e-mail or phone

You may contact the Federal Statistical Office also by e-mail, for example via, our central e-mail address.
When you contact us via our central e-mail address, we will store your data in our customer management system for the purpose of responding to your enquiry.
When you contact a staff member by phone, your personal data will be processed to handle your request, if necessary.
In each case your personal data will processed for the purpose of handling your request in order to perform our public tasks as per Article 6 (1) (e) of GDPR in conjunction with Section 3 of BDSG.
You will be notified by e-mail if our response to your enquiry should be subject to a charge. Such an e-mail will not be sent in cases where you have already placed an order in your enquiry. Processing is then based on Article 6 (1) (b) of GDPR.

Respondents supplying statistics

If you are a respondent who provides data for a set of statistics compiled by the Federal Statistical Office, you will be informed separately, when the data are collected, on processing purposes, the legislative framework and your rights as provided for by the General Data Protection Regulation and the Federal Statistics Act. See below for the contact details of the data protection commissioner.

Passing on personal data to third parties

Log data that are generated when the website of the Federal Statistical Office is accessed will be transmitted to third parties only if the Federal Statistical Office is required to do so by law or court decision or where such transmission is needed for law enforcement and criminal prosecution purposes in the case of attacks on the internet infrastructure of the Federal Statistical Office. In such cases, the data will be passed to the Federal Information Technology Centre, the central service provider of the federal administration. Data will not be transmitted for any other non-commercial or commercial purposes.

When you order publications, the personal information you enter will be used only at the Federal Statistical Office and by the businesses entrusted with the dispatch of the publications. We will not pass them on to third parties unless we have your explicit permission to do so.

Protection of minors

Persons under the age of 18 should not transmit any personal data to us without the consent of their parents or legal guardians. We do not request any personal data from children or adolescents. We do not knowingly collect such data and do not pass them on.

Links to websites of other providers

Our website contains links to websites of other providers. Their adherence to the data protection provisions is out of our control.

Your rights

Pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and provided that the conditions mentioned therein are met, you have the following rights vis-a-vis the Federal Statistical Office with regard to data that relate to you:

  • right of access (Article 15 GDPR)
  • right to rectification (Article 16 GDPR)
  • right to erasure (Article 17 GDPR)
  • right to restriction of processing (Article 18 GDPR)
  • right to object to processing of personal data (Article 21 GDPR)
  • right to data portability (Article 20 GDPR).

If you believe there has been a breach of the data protection provisions, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority (Der Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit, Husarenstrasse 30, 53117 Bonn) about the Federal Statistical Office processing your personal data (Article 77 EU-GDPR).

Contact details of the party responsible

Statistisches Bundesamt - Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 11 - D-65189 Wiesbaden – represented by the president.

Contact details of our data protection commissioner

As the trust you place in the Federal Statistical Office is of great importance to us, we will be pleased to answer your questions regarding the processing of your personal data. If you have questions that have not been answered by this data protection declaration, please do not hesitate to contact our data protection commissioner.

Data protection commissioner of the Federal Statistical Office, 65180 Wiesbaden
Phone: +49 611 75 3929

Wiesbaden, February 2020