Europe Price level in Germany above EU average in 2022

The price level of private consumption expenditure in Germany was by 8.9% higher than the average of the 27 EU Member States in 2022. In most of Germany's bordering countries the price level was higher. As in previous years, the only bordering countries with a lower cost of living were Poland and Czechia.

Within the EU the price level was highest in Irland (+46.4% above EU average), followed by Denmark (+44.5%), Luxembourg (+36.8%), Finland (+26.5%) and Sweden (+24.1%). The lowest price level was reported in Romania, where consumers paid half the amount (-42.2%) for a representative basket of goods than they did on average across the EU.

Among the European countries which are not EU Member States consumers faced considerably higher prices in Switzerland (+74.3%), Iceland (+59.0%) and Norway (+42.9%). At the other end of the scale the price level of Turkey (-60.0%).

Last update: 23.06.2023. Most recent data and further results in the Eurostat Database.

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