Europe Working poor: At-risk-of-poverty rate among employed persons

In 2022, 7.0% of all employed persons in Germany were living below the at-risk-of-poverty threshold. This means that their income amounted to less than 60% of the median income of the total population. A comparison of all EU Member States for 2022 shows that employed persons in Romania were particularly often earning less than the national at-risk-of-poverty threshold: Here 14.5% were considered at risk of poverty. In Finland, by contrast, only 2.5% of the working population was affected.

In Germany, employees with temporary contracts (12.2%) and part-time workers (9.6%) were disproportionately affected. However, 4.7% of those with permanent contracts and 5.3% of all full-time employees also had incomes rendering them at risk of poverty. Overall, employed men (7.1%) were slightly more affected than employed women (6.9%).

A person is considered to be at risk of poverty according to the EU definition if he or she has less than 60% of the average income of the national population at their disposal. In 2022, this at-risk-of-poverty threshold in Germany was EUR 1 250 per month for a person living alone and EUR 2 625 per month for two adults with two children under 14 years of age.

Data as of 14.11.2023. The latest data can be found in the Eurostat Database. A detailed definition and further data on the at-risk-of-poverty rate in Germany can be found on the national topic page. Further EU data on monetary poverty can be found in the Eurostat database.